Sunday, July 14, 2024

Sunset Soft and Fleeting

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Sunset soft and fleeting
Paint with day's last light,
Gentle hush ascending
Busyness taking flight.

Contentment is the seed
Sown in fertile hearts it grows,
Appreciation's blossom
Where gratitude freely flows.

         Cloudia Charters


Sincere deeds 
invite new friends.
 Toba Beta

Today I bent the truth to
be kind, and I have no regret,
for I am far surer of
what is kind than I
am of what is true.
Robert Brault


Love You,
 Cloudia & Pixie


Monday Murals

Water the longevity drink
clear and pure, Nature's richest gift, for sure!
Quenching thirst that vital art, Cleansing body, soul,
and heart.
Drink it often, every day, Longevity's tonic paves the way.


  1. It helps to have a lovely bowl of ramen with your water.. I can't tell if Pixie is surprised by the day or demanding her tax portion of delicious ramen. Cool post today. I love the shot of the palm frond waving hello.

  2. Hooray for kindness. I delight in the ephemeral magic of sunrise and sunset.

  3. Me too. Great reading both of you gals 💞

  4. Contentment is the seed
    that is sown in fertile hearts that grows,
    the flower of appreciation
    where gratitude flows freely.
    I really liked this quote.
    I think usually people are angry because they are not satisfied with themselves!
    Have a beautiful week Clοudia🧡

  5. Sincere deeds invite new friends. Good quote

  6. All good photo's and your sunset's are really stunning.

  7. ...enjoy as many sunsets as you can.

  8. Gorgeous sunset!
    Lovely photos and quotes!
    Take care, have a wonderful week!

  9. I never thought about 'bending the truth for kindness' that way before, but it makes perfect sense.

  10. Here's to bending the truth for kindness, Cloudia. ;-)

  11. There is much to be said for contentment.

  12. God is full of both love and truth.
    Blessings, Cloudia!

  13. Beautiful mural captured beautifully!

  14. Pixie seems bored, lol.
    Great sunset and beautiful mural of the strelitzia.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Cloudia.

  15. Mural looks great, Loved the click,
    Amazing sky view, Beautiful pics, food looks delicious.
    Greetings from India

  16. Beautiful shots and I love that food. I ate most of it. Delicious.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Cloudia. Scritches to Pixie. ♥

  17. Great reflection and I live the'hi' shot! Well captured. And what a glorious sky shot! Lovely post this week #WWOAT

  18. Love the mural, and the plant saying hi, LOL! Bending the truth to be nice is a kind thing to do. Have a wonderful week.

  19. Looks like I'm a bit late to the party. I love that poem you wrote and Pixie looks good as ever. That guy had quite the hat!

    That looks like quite a feast you were having. I enjoyed the part about water being Nature's biggest gift. I thought that was excellent, but I also noticed the bottle of Coors on the table, too. Thanks for this wonderful T Tuesday entry you shared with us this week, dear Cloudia. I appreciate you!!

  20. Dear Cloudia, I find the reflection of the mural and the cyclist in the car particularly beautiful today. In general, another great collection - and a cute pixie :-D
    All the best, Traude

  21. Beautiful ☺️. Wishing you a very happy 11th Anniversay T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  22. Happy belated T day Cloudia and Pixie. I hope it was a super day.

  23. Such an uplifting post especially the beautiful Pixie. Happy T Day

  24. Lovely poem, gorgeous Pixie, delicious ramen, beautiful sunset.
    Happy T-Day,


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