Monday, July 15, 2024

Echo of Silence

A L O H A From Honolulu!

At night, everything is more intense,
more true. The echo of silence
is loudest then.
Vincent Van Gogh 

Canvas washed in gold,
silver shadows flee,
Brilliant brushstrokes burst out
wild, energetic and free.

Morning's herald paints
her way across the skies
Ignites the world with hope
feeding and filling our eyes.
             Cloudia Charters

You humans, so little 

in your own eyes. ...

 don't even comprehend that

 you are dragging the entire 

creation along with you.

    William P. Young

Rainbow Shower Tree
Blooms everywhere
this time of year
in Honolulu

Who is an Elder? 
Someone who is considered exceptionally wise in the ways of their culture and the teachings of the Great Spirit. They are recognized for their wisdom, their stability, their humour and their ability to know what is appropriate in a particular situation. The community looks to them for guidance and sound judgment. They are caring and are known to share the fruits of their labours and experience with others in the community.

Aboriginal Healing Foundation, 2005

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Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia


  1. How beautiful that last photo is.
    Have a nice day!

  2. Starting the week without Pixie is not possible.

  3. Pixie is always a star on your post.
    Love the night time view of the city.
    The Rainbow shower tree is lovely.
    Take care, have a wonderful week!

  4. It must be overwhelming to have blossoms everywhere. Ours are limping along through drought, except those hand watered. Love the quote by William P. Young. Pats to Pixie! Thanks for your thoughts today!

  5. A great night shot, Cloudia. ;-)

  6. Your photography and poetry are marvelous!

  7. I love the complete stillness of the middle of the night.

  8. Your poem captures the essence of the photo above it. Wow!
    Blessings, Cloudia!

  9. Every photo I enjoy and the words that go with them. Love the poem and it is always so sweet to see dear Pixie. Have a wonderful day both of you, and thank you :)

  10. Wonderful words and photos. The night photo and quote are my favourite today. Have a fantastic new week, Cloudia.

  11. Each of you is so appreciated! Thank you so much for your visit comments

  12. I have just come from a place by the sea that I wrote was 'full of noisy silence'

    Love that chicken!

    Stewart M - Auckland, NZ


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