Saturday, July 27, 2024


A L O H A From Honolulu!

As she read on, her surroundings
gradually faded, and soon there lay
about her only the mists of dream;
the purple, star-strewn mists
beyond Time, where only
gods and dreamers walk.
H.P. Lovecraft

Hawaiian Monk Seal Link

You must live in the present,
launch yourself on every wave,
find your eternity in each moment.
    Henry David Thoreau

The biggest creative cheat code is to get out of your own way and let the universe work through you... Rather than trying too hard to micromanage the process and control the outcome, in both creativity and life, I have learned that it’s better to open myself to unexpected solutions and make
myself a vessel for the muse.
     James McCrae

I loafe and invite my soul,
I lean and loafe at my ease
observing a spear
of summer grass.
Walt Whitman


Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie


Linking To

Saturday Critters


  1. Hello. Great photo of Monk seal. Cute cat.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Beautiful post, Amazing skies, Love the rainbow, Hawaiian Monk Seal looks amazing.
    Loved to Pixie :) Happy Weekend.

  3. The photos are soothing and beautiful

  4. Hello Cloudia,
    I love the Monk Seal, great sighting and photo.
    Pixie is adorable, as always.
    Beautiful rainbow capture.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.
    PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  5. I looked up the current info on the monk seals, which are a threatened species and I learned "beginning in 2013 the total population of Hawaiian monk seals throughout their range began to increase." So their prospects may be improving slightly. I hope so!
    best, mae at

  6. The first sky photo rather matches the 'mists of dreams'.

  7. Indeed great photo of the seal. I read a quote from Stefan Zweig this morning that I don't want to keep from you. Remember that shadow is the child of light.

  8. Walt Whitman and Pixie have the right idea, Cloudia. ;-)

  9. Wonderful! Thank you my friend and hugs to both you and Pixie.

  10. Reading opens our imaginations and challenges us to seek our muse.
    Blessings, Cloudia!

  11. What a gorgeous rainbow and inspiring quotes as always! Hugs to you from Florida!

  12. I wish I could take the time to drop everything like Walt Whitman and Pixie.

  13. Whitman may loafe, but Pixie has the loafing skill mastered!

  14. Awesome rainbow, a beautiful photo of the monk seal and Pixie had turned loafing in to an art form. Happy weekend to you and Pixie!

  15. Stunning clouds and a beautiful rainbow. What a charming monk seal.

  16. I'm trying to find the end of the rainbow.

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    Contact Dr Jekawo Email: He's a good herbal doctor with a listen and trusted heart.

    Writing from Texas.

  18. Great photos and quote, Cloudia. Of course, I am in love with Pixie's tummy :):) Be well!

  19. Beautiful words and a lovely sentiment. The first image is awesome!


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