Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Happiness Nearest

A L O H A From Honolulu!

An unexamined life
is not worth living. Socrates

Love is like paint –
you can’t spread even a little
without getting some on yourself.
Wayne L. Misner

To be wise is to be
eternally curious.
Frederick Buechner

Sing with your voices,
your hearts, your
lips and your lives.
Augustine Of Hippo

To be kind to all, to
like many and love a few, to
be needed and wanted by those 
 we love, is certainly the nearest we
can come to happiness.
      Mary Stuart

Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie

 Linking To


  1. I love this post. The kids and Pixie are adorable, and the Fly Free rainbow shot is amazing. Have a glorious day!

  2. I really liked the saying that being wise essentially makes you eternally curious, meaning that until the end, you’ll have the desire to keep learning!! That’s wonderful, and I think it’s true.
    I also loved the colors of love!!
    Have a wonderful day, Claudia🧡

  3. Eternally curious .It that ever could be true. Also great shot of Pixie again.

  4. The Socrates quote I'm quite well familiar with.

  5. I love the quote, Love is like paint. Oh so true.

  6. Beautiful images and great quotes!
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  7. Loved the zoomed in flower. reminded me of O'Keefe's art.

  8. Thank you for the song this morning. One of my favorites.

  9. I love that bird of paradise photo.

  10. I like that picture if Pixie because it highlights the orange spot on his chin. The verse that goes with the pic is also very good: kind, like, love.

  11. I loved Glen Campbell and his singing as I was growing up. Once again, wonderful photos and quotes, Cloudia. Blessings!

  12. A winner of a post today, Cloudia. Thanks. ;-)

  13. Such wonderful words. Sweet Pixie, your quote was extra special! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  14. Sweet dreams, Pixie. I saw a toddler (obviously still in a diaper) just tootling along. It's amazing that we all can learn to walk with that huge mass between our legs. But this little one just was zooming hither and yon, while Mom kind of played safety catch to keep her from falling into the lake.

  15. Love is like paint, yes it is! Pixie is looking very cute. Thanks, Cloudia.

  16. Beautiful post! Thank you for stopping by our blog today. Love from Deb and Purr Prints of the Heart of behalf of Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day.

  17. Wonderful shot of the sky!
    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne


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