Thursday, August 29, 2024


A L O H A From Honolulu!
You can’t be that kid
standing at the top
of the water-slide,
overthinking it.
You have to
go down the chute.
  Tina Fey

A truly great book 
should be read 
in youth, 
again in maturity and 
once more in old age, 
as a fine building 
should be seen 
by morning light,
 at noon 
and by moonlight.
           Robertson Davies

Hope is a helium balloon. 
It is a wish lantern set out 
into the dark sky of night.
Sharon Weil

Photography is a reality so subtle 
that it becomes more real than reality. 
           Alfred Stieglitz

I think it is the small
gestures that resonate.
Nick Cave


Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia


  1. I reread some books much more often than three times.

  2. I need to read 'Call of the Wild' again.

  3. Pixie has just seen something she cannot unsee.

  4. Rereading books is great and Pixie can look really surprised. Very nice.

  5. ...Jay and the Americans resonates with we!

  6. Love the rainbow, the flowers and your cute Pixie!
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  7. I just thought of how I only remember seeing Stieglitz's photos of Georgia O'Keeffe. I know he was famous before her, and influenced her probably, but I wonder how she may have influenced him.

  8. That Robertson Davies quote hit home for me. I have been rereading some books, Cloudia. ;-)

  9. I love that quote about photography!

  10. I loved that quote about reading a great book at different stages of your life. The real stories always deserve to be read again and again. Liked the quote about photography, too, and all your photos are fantastic, Cloudia!

  11. Pixie ~ awesome photo ~ did we wake you up? lol ~ hugs ~

    Great quotes and photos ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. I am sure there are many airplanes flying over your air space, but I bet few of them get to experience such a spectacular sunset.

  13. Rainbow and flowers are always welcome to see

  14. You get the best rainbow photos Cloudia. And I love that book quote, although a great book should be read as many times as you want to read it. :) Give Pixie a pat for me.

  15. Oh I really love that first quote. It is so true. The flower is beautiful and I really love Pixie's expression. Thank you for joining FFO and have a lovely weekend.

  16. I also think that you can discover different things in a good book (and in a beautiful building) at different times, dear Cloudia. Good quotes and pictures.
    All the best to your and Pixie, Traude

  17. Books keep me going. I love any audio book narrated by David Chandler.

  18. “ Photography is a reality so subtle
    that it becomes more real than reality.
    Alfred Stieglitz”

    What a great quote. He really made it true.

    best, mae at


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