How you get your surfboard to da beach!
"The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere.
That is why so much social life is exhausting."
Anne Morrow Lindbergh
"That it is shallow to judge by appearences is a well-known saying.
That it is shallow to dismiss appearances is a lesser-known truth."
Yahia Lababidi
Our weather here in Waikiki has been beautiful and breezy.
Cool & pleasant to us, but don't worry:
it will definitely feel like the nicest day
of Summer when you get here.
The Triple Crown of Surfing is happening now on Oahu's
world famous North Shore.
I'm so glad that you stopped by today to visit me
here at da beach!
Hope you enjoy today's pictures and quotes.
If you would like to see videos of the world's top surf athletes, just click the link