Friday, July 19, 2024

Salute Fleeting Beauty

A L O H A From Honolulu!

The clouds like mountains
dipped in Midas' touch, Burn yellow and gold,
promising so much.
The wind picks up,
a whisper, then a sigh, Stirring the silence
beneath the glaring sky. We stand and watch
the golden tide unfurl, Promises whispered
to a waiting world.
Cloudia Charters

Heliconia psittacorum is a
perennial herb native to the
Caribbean and South America.

Face like a squish
Wrinkled delight,
A Bostonian grin
Goofy and bright.
Wide lips pulled back
That toothy display,
A smile that could make
anyone's day!
[Even Mine] Pixie

Wisdom is knowing
what to do next.
Skill is knowing
how to do it.
Virtue is doing it.
Thomas Jefferson

Salute fleeting beauty
Painted in the sky,
A moment held in memory
Even before it says goodbye.
Cloudia & Pixie

Having perfected our disguise,

we spend our lives searching

for someone we don’t fool. In the end there doesn’t have to

be anyone who understands you.

There just has to be

someone who wants to. Robert Brault


Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia



Weekend Reflections & Street Photography


Floral Friday

Friday Smiles