Aloha From Honolulu!
In quiet can be found
The art of letting it be.
Acceptance blooms wide
When boundaries dissolve.
Finding the courage
to live free.
There is magic
in the flow.
Richness of
what simply is.
Embrace the world
as it comes.
Harmony unfolds
In a quiet heart.
Cloudia Charters
Do All the good you can,
by all the means you can,
in all the ways you can,
in all the places you can,
at all the times you can,
to all the people you can,
as long as ever you can.
John Wesley
(Uncertain Attribution)
Some people, no matter
how old they get,
never lose their beauty -
they merely move it
from their faces
into their hearts.
Martin Buxbaum
Galphimia gracilis,
native to eastern Mexico.
Widely cultivated in warm regions throughout the world, often
under the common names
gold shower or shower-of-gold,
slender goldshower or
sometimes thryallis.
Give thanks today for the
compassionate people; the
lovers, helpers, givers, and
healers, who see more than
just themselves, who move
through the world with
open hands and
not closed fists.
Thank You, Keep Going.
It Matters
John Pavlovitz
Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia