Monday, June 24, 2024

Break And Breathe

A L O H A From Honolulu!

The whole body
reacts to color.
If you were to
walk into an
all-neon-pink room,
it would be difficult
not to react.
I think it is a unified,
human thing to feel
color with everything.
It is like standing next to
a bass speaker plugged
into your eyeballs.
Jim Drain

Friendship is the only cement
that will ever hold
the world together.
Woodrow Wilson

Sometimes you have to
take a break and breathe
before you can
keep moving forward.
Kayla Panchisin

The highest form of love
is to be the protector of
another person's solitude.
Rainer Maria Rilke


Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia


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