Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Forces For You

A L O H A From Honolulu!

The sun never quits shining.
Sometimes, clouds just
get in the way.
Collective Wisdom Expression

A smile doesn’t cost a cent,
but draws a lot of interest.
Dale Carnegie

“Ko aloha la ea, Ko aloha la ea.”
Keep your love, keep your love.
No matter what obstacles come...
keep your love.
Chiefess Manono 

The forces that are for you
are greater than the
forces against you.
 Joel Osteen

Let my love like sunlight
surround you and yet
give you illumined freedom.
Rabindranath Tagore

Hold your values tight,  
Yet keep an open heart
Let new ideas ignite.  
Every ending is a start.

Be firm in your truths
Yet ready to learn,  
For growth comes from bridges, and
Listening is how we discern.

In conversation
Let kindness lead the way,  
Embrace different voices
Let them have their say.  

It's together
We must journey
Values with openness,
Let’s build
Instead of fighting 
And find the treasure in
This glorious mess.
   Cloudia Charters 


Love You Each
Pixie & Cloudia