Friday, July 26, 2024

The Choice

A L O H A From Honolulu!

The Power of One
One tree can start a forest.
One smile can begin a friendship;
One hand can lift a soul;
One word can frame the goal;
One candle can wipe out darkness;
One laugh can conquer gloom;
One hope can raise your spirits;
One touch can show you care;
One life can make the difference,
Anna Grace Taylor

Our Differences
are ever at war 
with our Commonalities. 
Be careful which you feed!

 The door to safety swings
 on the hinges
 of common sense.  

Honolulu 7:21 pm
Democracy is messy
but deeply beautiful.
Steve Schmidt

 There never was 
any heart truly 
great and generous,
that was not also
 tender and 
    Robert Frost


Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia

Smiles, understanding, a gentle heart,
Kindness sown, a healing start!
Competence gleams in steady hand,
Guiding justice across the land.

The contrast stark, a bitter brew,
Mean spirit’s chill, a toxic cue.
Chaos reigns in wild unrest,
Troubled minds and wounded breasts.

One builds, inspires hopes and dreams,
A tapestry of golden gleams.
The other tears down, seeks to maim,
A darkened world their haunting claim.

The tempest rages, dark and deep,
Mean-spiritedness spreads
a cruel sleep.
Chaos reigns and wild unrest,
His troubled mind and vacant chest.

So battle wages, deep within,
Between the angel and the sin.
For in our hearts this choice resides,
Where virtue dwells or evil hides.
     Cloudia Charters

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Wonder Eyes

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Stuff your eyes with wonder,
 live as if you'd drop dead
 in ten seconds. 
See the world. 
Ray Bradbury

If you paint in your mind
 a picture of bright
 and happy expectations, 
you put yourself 
into a condition 
conducive to your goal.
 Norman Vincent Peale

As soon as I stop wishing
for things to be different,
 I am met by the beauty 
of what is.
 Katrina Kenison

Your future is only as bright
 as your mind is open. 
      Rich Wilkins

 is the residue
 of time wasted.
 Albert Einstein


Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Simple Way

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Everything that happens
to you is your teacher.
The secret is to learn to sit
at the feet of your own life
and be taught by it.
Polly B. Berends

To be happy, you need to:
1. Discover who you really are.
2. Use it to help other people.
Stephanie Harrison

Change is the end result
of all true learning.
Leo Buscaglia

Here’s a simple way
to improve your life:
when you feel you’re about to say
something negative for no reason,
pause and let it go.
Cory Allen 

Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie

Linking To


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

A Reason

A L O H A From Honolulu!

How does the man
in the moon cut his hair?
Eclipse it.

All growth is a leap in the dark,
a spontaneous unpremeditated act
without benefit of experience. Henry Miller

Indian Mynah
Diversity has been written into
the DNA of American life; any institution that lacks a rainbow array has come to seem diminished, if not diseased. Joe Klein

In gentle whispers breezes fly, Unseen starlight paints the sky. To brush the dusk with twilight's hush, The flush of magic soft as velvet crush.
Cloudia Charters

We're here for a reason.
I believe a bit of the reason is to throw little torches out to lead people through the dark. Whoopi Goldberg

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Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie

Monday, July 22, 2024

If You Have a Cat

A L O H A From Honolulu!

'Reclining Godzilla'
Real knowledge is to know
the extent of one's ignorance. 

There are voices which we hear
in solitude but they grow
faint and inaudible as
we enter into the world.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Do not get lost in a sea of despair.
Be hopeful, be optimistic.
Our struggle is not the struggle of
a day, a week, a month, or a year,
it is the struggle of a lifetime.
Never, ever be afraid to make
some noise and get in good trouble,
necessary trouble.
John Lewis

Your house will always be blessed
with love, laughter, and friendship
if you have a cat. Lewis Carroll

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Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie

Beer Chandelier

The crystal kind? Forget that bore!
This chandelier's a sudsy roar.
No fragile bulbs, nor fancy frills,
Great amber hues and clinking trills.

The light it casts a rose gold gleam,
Reflects on faces, sets them a-beam.
Conversations effervescent as foam,
Witty beer patter finds a happy home.

So raise your drinks, let spirits soar,
Beneath this chandelier evermore!
A testament to hops and cheer,
The smartest, booziest Bar light.
Have a beer!

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Let The Beauty

A L O H A From Honolulu!

If you are irritated by
every rub, how will
your mirror be polished?

Set fire to
the broken pieces;
start anew.
Lauren DeStefano

Deep feelings always mean more 
than they are capable  of saying.
                 Albert Camu

Let the beauty we love
be what we do. 

Under my wings
find solace and grace
A refuge from storms
Our own tranquil space
Whispers of fidelity
Gently caress
All worries are lulled
In sweet, gentle rest.
Cloudia Charters

భ భ భ భ భ భ భ భ భ భ భ భ భ
Love You,
  Pixie & Cloudia

Daniel Inouye Asia-Pacific Center
for security studies

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Fresh Pure and Bright

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Place your mind before
the mirror of eternity!
Place your soul in
the brilliance of glory!
And transform your entire being...
Clare of Assisi (1193-1253)
Prayer of St. Claire

Savour the flavors
Fresh, pure, and bright,
Fueling your days
With nourishing light.

 One thing I learned watching
birds is that they all fly
differently. They all look
different in flight, they
have different shaped wings,
 but they are all flying.

A beautiful street is
an  invitation to walk
within a dream!
Mehmet Murat ildan

Those who accept you as who you are, and who know you very well, are worth more than anything in the end. Bronnie Ware

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia