A L O H A !
" Tolerance implies
no lack of commitment
to one's own beliefs.
Rather it condemns
the oppression
or persecution
of others. "
John F. Kennedy
" What is tolerance?
It is the consequence of
We are all formed
of frailty and error;
let us pardon
each others' folly -
that is the first law
of nature. "
" Tolerance is giving
to every other
human being
every right
that you claim
for yourself. "
Robert Green Ingersoll
" I think more tolerance,
more people having more access
to a chance to be literate,
and a chance to stay healthy
makes for a more
peaceful planet."
Henry Rollins
" The responsibility
of tolerance
lies with those
who have the
wider vision. "
George Eliot
~ ><333> ~
Tolerating the Other,
the Different,
means you are still
Other, Difference.
This is a but
a way-station
from intolerance.
When you forget
about Race, Class,
They forget
about You.
there is no
in the
that arises.
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Warmly, cloudia