" Compassion
is the antitoxin of the
where there is
even the most poisonous
impulses remain
relatively harmless. "
Eric Hoffer
" One of the best parts
of growing older?
You can flirt all you like
since you've become
Liz Smith
" Nature's great masterpiece,
an elephant;
the only
harmless great thing.
John Donne
" An authentically empowered person
is humble.
This does not mean
This does not mean
the false humility of one who stoops
to be with those who are below him or her.
It is the inclusiveness
It is the inclusiveness
of one who responds
to the beauty of each soul.
...It is the harmlessness
...It is the harmlessness
of one who treasures,
and reveres life
and reveres life
in all its forms. "
~ Gary Zukav ~
~ Gary Zukav ~
~ ><333> ~
It's kind of a mild insult
to say that someone
is 'harmless.'
We respect
P O W E R!
Girls don't want
a guy who is
seems to mean
But in practice,
we LIKE the company
of harmless folk,
like grandarents.
As I have aquired
genuine power
I have beome calmer
and more welcoming.
Others can feel
that I will not
suddenly burst out
at them
in anger.
So they approach,
like birds
bringing their
song and beauty
into my life.
Being harmless
unleashes TRUE
So thank YOU
for flying by !
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Warmly, cloudia