Friday, March 22, 2024

Theory of Colours

A L O H A From Honolulu!

This trail of sparks
O fleeting sight, A dragon thrashes
shedding light.

Through evening's sky
it twists and darts, Jewel that thrills
our twilight hearts.

Flowers are the music
of the ground from
earth’s lips spoken
without sound.
Edwin Curran

I am enough of a realist
to understand that I
can't reach every child,
but I am more of an optimist
to get up every day and try.
Preston Morgan

E lei kau, e lei ho'oilo
i ke aloha.

Love is worn like a Lei
through the summers
and the winters. 

The highest goal
that we can achieve
is amazement.
  Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
                Theory of Colours