Saturday, August 10, 2024

Different Horizons - Different Places

A L O H A From Honolulu!

We cross the stream of life
at different places.
Some wade through the
shallows in a drought, others
have to swim across
deep waters in a storm.
Charles Edward Jerningham

I certainly don't regret
my experiences because
without them, I couldn't
imagine who or where
I would be today.
Life is an amazing gift
to those who have overcome
great obstacles, and
attitude is everything!
Sasha Azevedo

Each bird must sing
with his own throat.
   Henrik Ibsen

It's so simple to be wise.
Just think of something
stupid to say and
say the opposite.
  Sam Levenson

Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia

The privilege of a lifetime 
is being who you are.
              Joseph Campbell 


EricaSta said...

Aloha... and good Morning. There are inviting beach scenes indeed.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Cloudia,
Love the views of beach and the sky! Cute captures of the Mallards. Your Pixie is a cutie, great photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

Mae Travels said...

My family is in Hawaii so it’s nice to see your photos.

Anvilcloud said...

We couldn't change the past without changing the present and who we are.

s.c said...

The last one is the best.

RedPat said...

Great words today and I love the beach scene with the family, Cloudia. ;-)

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I laughed outloud at the stupid things we say and how we can change it! hahaha! Hugs!

Teresa said...

I love the quote about how to say wise things. Pixie doesn't need that advice because she is always wise. Lots of ducks today, too.

Tom said...

...I like the Charles Edward Jerningham quote.

Barbara Rogers said...

Pixie's paws forward photo is darling. I liked the quote about wise sayings. Going to try that!

Martha Jane Orlando said...

The last quote from Campbell is priceless! Blessings, Cloudia!

William Kendall said...

Pixie sees duckies!

Kathy G said...

The Sam Levenson quote made me laugh out loud!

Debbie said...

such nice verses (the sahsa verse is my favorite) and beautiful images!! enjoy the rest of your weekend!!!

Bill said...

Love Joseph Campbell's quote. Have a great weekend!

GreenComotion said...

Loved all the photos (particularly that of Pixie) and the quotes.
Thanks for sharing with all of us, Cloudia. Be well!

Ximena Jimena said...

Olá a todos, o meu nome Ximena Jimena, de Cuba, quero usar este meio para informar o mundo sobre como me curei do herpes no início, quando tive sintomas em 2014, fiz um teste e deu positivo, perdi a esperança de melhorar o relacionamento ou o casamento , tudo mudou quando conheci o Dr. Jekawo entrei em contacto expliquei-lhe tudo e ele disse que tem a cura então decidi pedir-lhe, então na verdade fiz passado 2 semanas fui fazer o teste e deu negativo. .
anemia falciforme
pitiríase rósea etc.
Whatsapp +2347059818667.

Shiju Sugunan said...

Aloha from afar! Your post is a beautiful blend of wisdom and serenity as always.