Saturday, August 17, 2024

We'll Find It

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Only the brave 
wake up from 
a bad dream.
    Ljupka Cvetanova

Sunlight pierced the
Shadows that dance
A secret path beckoned
At the edge of a glance.
  Cloudia Charters

Every second of the search 
is an encounter with God
  Paulo Coelho 

Mastering the Art of Being is simple but not easy. Nick Catricala     

Look at the bright side of life
and the bright side
will look at you.
Ron Baratono

Lead us not into temptation.
Just tell us where it is;
we'll find it.
  Sam Levenson


Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie


 Linking To
Saturday Critters


EricaSta said...

Many Greetings to you and lovely
Pixie. I enjoyed your quotes indeed. Thank you for sharing.

Have a wonderful week, Heidrun

roentare said...

The words are soothing and profound. Learning to be better everyday

Shiju Sugunan said...

Love the quotes and the photos. So peaceful.

eileeninmd said...

Great post, and quotes!
I love the gecko, the ducks and your sweet Pixie.
Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

I so like the first quote.

God bless.

Tom said...


Martha Jane Orlando said...

Pixie and Sam make a great pair. Blessings, Cloudia!

Barbara Rogers said...

Good critters...and there goes temptation!

magiceye said...

The 2nd photo and poem wins my heart today!

RedPat said...

Love the quotes today, Cloudia. ;-)

Granny Annie said...

Get up and dance. Loves me some Wooly Bully and some saxophone.

Teresa said...

I love today's quotes and the lion statue with the lei on its ear. Pixie is wondering where her lei is and hoping that it's made of catnip...

Cloudia said...

Thanks Friends 🙂

Anvilcloud said...

I love Pixie's quote today.

Ananka said...

Great photos. I love the shadow :-D

Sharon said...

Lot's of pretty words and photos! Love to Pixie and you.

Mike said...

I guess I'm lucky in that I don't have bad dreams.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I dream most every night and remember my dreams. They are mostly good though! Hugs!

Kathy G said...

I giggled at the last quote :-)

Cloudia said...

Thanks Friends!

sujata sengupta said...

Loved the quotes, especially the last one on temptation ;) good day to you!

William Kendall said...

Most of what I dream fades within seconds of waking up.