Sunday, February 2, 2025

Feel the Good Luck

A L O H A  From

The meaning of life 
is just to be alive.
It is so plain and so obvious
 and so simple.
And yet, everybody 
rushes around in a great panic
as if it were necessary 
to achieve something 
beyond themselves.
              Alan Wilson Watts

True power isn't 
about controlling outcomes.
It's about learning to 
stay connected to 
your own heart in the midst 
of fear and uncertainty.
   Cory Muscara

If I had influence 
with the good fairy
 who is supposed to preside
 over the christening 
of all children,
 I should ask that her gift 
to each child in the world 
be a sense of wonder 
so indestructible
 that it would last 
throughout life, as an 
unfailing antidote...
   Rachel Carson,
  The Sense of Wonder

Every creature has a right 
to be on this Earth. 
Who am I to disrupt 
the natural order? 
is a good word worth 
handing down to our children.
              Laurence Overmire


Queens Medical Center, Honolulu
Photo taken on 
Lunar New Year, 
first day of the 
Wood Snake Year!
FEEL  the  good luck !
[Refusing to let others choose your mood
is real power!]


roentare said...

Thank you for all the quotes to make Sunday wonderful

Cloudia said...

Aloha Friend

Teresa said...

I love the little lion dancer :) Pixie is definitely in her well-fed lioness mode. The snake and rainbows are awesome. Thanks for spreading joy.

Andrew said...

The hospital snake is terrific. Happy New Year of the Wood Snake.

Katerinas Blog said...

Thanks for yesterday's reply Clοudia.
Oh yes respect to all earth creatures
and your beautiful rainbows make our world a better place!!
Happy Sunday!!

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful photos! I love the rainbow, Pixie and the mural.
Great quotes, my favorite is Overmire's respect all the creatures.
Take care, have a great day and a happy new week.

s.c said...

Indeed respect for this post. Thanks again for all this wisdom.

magiceye said...

Aloha! Namaste 🙏

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

Oh! How lovely Pixie is!

Tom said...

...cute little dragon dancer!

Anvilcloud said...

Let us appreciate our lives as much as possible as we traverse this life.

RedPat said...

Love that snake, Cloudia. ;-)

Kathy G said...

Thank you for the positivity today.

William Kendall said...

A nap is called for.

Barbara Rogers said...

Now that's a snake I can appreciate. I've actually seen a snake (green color) climbing around in a tree (in Florida once.)

Bill said...

Pixie is enjoying her quiet time.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

We should always keep the curiosity of our inner child alive and well. Pixie's doing what I'd like to do some afternoons after lunch - LOL! Blessings, Cloudia!

Anita said...

Ahh you hit me again with your nice quotes.I love them💖

Mae Travels said...

Reaffirming life is a beautiful way to start a new year.

Iris Flavia said...

I feel the luck, great mural and cute kiddo!

Cloudia said...

Thanks Friends

rupam sarma said...

Awesome photos, Beautiful quotes.
Mural looks amazing. Greetings.
Lovely pic of Pixie :)

Bertiebo said...

Very nice. Especially for a medical centre

Sami said...

Happy Chinese New Year. That mural is lovely, I like the colours. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Cloudia.