Monday, February 3, 2025

Paved With Candy

A L O H A  From

Life is about not knowing,
having to change,
taking the moment and
making the best of it,
without knowing
what's going to happen next.
Gilda Radner

Thrashing Dragon

People who do not know
how to laugh are
always pompous and
self-conceited. William Makepeace Thackeray

There are dark shadows 
on the earth, but its 
lights are stronger 
in the contrast.
Charles Dickens

Enlightenment is 
with all things.

The weather is always 
changing and so are we. 
Our alterations of mood are 
for our own growth and good
Through happy and sad, through 
hopeful and despondent, 
we learn lessons impossible 
to learn any other way.


Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia

It was raining, a 
light steady rain. 
Ruthless neon on 
the wet streets 
like busted candy.
            Denis Johnson


roentare said...

I like the quote by Dogen. Really insightful

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

Lovely photos. Have a nice day!

s.c said...

Paved with candy make the dentist happy.

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful photos and great quotes.
Pixie has shared wise words.
Take care, have a wonderful week!

Tom said...

People who do not know how to laugh are always pompous and self-conceited.
William Makepeace Thackeray, could this be Trump?

William Kendall said...

Pixie looks content.

Sharon said...

Lots of interesting photos today. Have a great day!

RedPat said...

Love the elephant & shadow, Cloudia. ;-)

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Great words from Pixie today. Blessings, Cloudia!

Teresa said...

I love the thrashing dragon pic and the busted candy photo and quote. Pixie is in guru mode today! Happy Monday.

Sandee said...

Beautiful post and beautiful Pixie. Too bad about that tootsie roll pop. I love those things.

Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches to Pixie. ♥

Bill said...

What an amazing elephant shadow. Wonderful post and photos, Cloudia.

DVArtist said...

I love the elephant photo. Wonderful post, have a nice day.

Michelle said...

Wonderful photos! Have a great week!

DeniseinVA said...

Thank you Cloudia and Pixie, enjoyed as always. Happy week to you!

magiceye said...

Loved the last photo and the apt quote to go with it!

Kathy G said...

Pixie's photo and words were the stars of the post today.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I was impressed by then awesome elephant. What an amazing photo.

I was really happy to see the neon beer sign in Chinatown. It was perfect for T this week, too. Of course, I also loved the Tootsie Pop in the rain. Thanks for sharing these quotes and photos, dear Cloudia.

Iris Flavia said...

Sometimes I´m glad I don´t know what´ll be next...

My name is Erika. said...

The crunched up Tootsie roll is a cool photo, and I especially like the Dickens quote. Have a great T day Cloudia and Pixie too.

CJ Kennedy said...

I think I need to embrace the Gilda Radner quote as well as Pixie. Happy T Day