Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Hokule`a On A Sea Of Stars

 A L O H A  From
H  O  N  O  L  U  L  U

May there always be 
Tradewinds behind you, 
Rainbows above you, and 
Aloha all around you.
Hawaiian blessing from 
the Island of Kauai

Hawaiian Voyaging Canoe
"Hokule`a" Star Of Gladness.
The first ocean-crossing Voyaging Canoe in Hawaii since ancient times 600 years ago. She has voyaged all over Polynesia, The Pacific, Japan, US, without
modern instruments,
and is not done Voyaging yet!

This is how the Polynesians
populated the Pacific and discovered the Hawaiian Islands, bringing people, culture,
useful plants not then found in Hawaii,
so called "Canoe Plants." Canoe plants in Hawaii refer to vital plants brought by early Polynesian settlers in their canoes, crucial for survival and sustenance in their new home, including ti, taro, breadfruit, banana, coconut, turmeric, and gourds.

It would be impossible to overstate the significance of the rebirth of Voyaging to the Hawaiian people, especially the children!

Hokule`a and all of Hawaii are celebrating
her 50th Anniversary of launching this month!
On Monday, March 10 she was in the canal right by my building and the Hawaii Convention Center. The crew was giving dockside tours. We went to admire and pay our respects!

March 10, Waikiki:
Before the Hokule`a departed on it's 2007 Japanese voyage, I visited dockside and gifted them a copy or two of my Hawaii Novella: "Aloha Where You Like Go?"
The main guy all these years,
Nainoa Thompson graciously accepted
my gift with a hug. "There is plenty of
time to read at sea," he told me.

Master Navigator Nainoa Thompson (L)
The Hokule'a voyaged to Japan,
as part of its
"One Ocean, One People"
voyage, in 2007.
Departure: The Hōkūleʻa and the voyaging canoe Alingano Maisu left Hawaiʻi on January 19, 2007.
Voyage: The voyage included Micronesia, and then voyaged to southern Japan.
Completion: The Hōkūleʻa completed the voyage to Yokohama, Japan on June 9, 2007.
More about the first Hawiian Voyaging Canoe
in 600 years HERE

Sept 16 2018 the second
Hawaiian Voyaging Canoe in known history
entered San Francisco Bay! 
(Hokule`a had previously visited)
The voyaging canoe Hikianalia stopped in 
Marin [unannounced] at the 
Coast Guard Station, Golden Gate, before 
entering the city for the welcoming celebration 
by the local First Nation People 
and other dignitaries. 
I was there and held the rope!

Hikianalia, 2018
San Francisco Bay
Hokule`a is mother
of Hikianalia.

True friends are always together in spirit. L.M. Montgomery

Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie

Now you understand the
significance of this
neighborhood mural!


rupam sarma said...

Glad to read about Hokule, Amazing.
Awesome photos, Loved rainbow pic. Mural looks beautiful.
Pixie looks cute :) Greetings

Cloudia said...

Namaste 🙏🏽

Andrew said...

How wonderful to learn of your personal connection to voyages made with such courage and clearly skill.

Tom said...

...mahalo for the beautiful rainbow.

eileeninmd said...

Lovely the rainbow and the mural!
Amazing voyage.
Take care, enjoy your day!

s.c said...

Fantastic and true story about that canoe and navigation the Polynesian way.

Sandi said...

The water in the second photo is spectacular!

Anvilcloud said...

I had no idea. Pretty darn cool.

William Kendall said...

Quite a story!

Barbara Rogers said...

Thanks for sharing photos and your being there for these Hawaiian ships...the video was more to enjoy! Historic passages of boats like these across the vast Pacific are just awesome. So great to see modern replicas!

Ananka said...

Wonderful photos :-D

RedPat said...

Wonderful history and I love your connection to it, Cloudia. ;-)

Mike said...

In the second picture, are all the colors water reflections? Or is there something reflective in the water

Teresa said...

Wow!! Thanks for sharing! I learned a lot. Pixie looks like she is NOT in the mood for ocean voyages in a canoe, no matter how many plants they carry. Maybe if a little catnip gets added to the cargo???