Thursday, June 13, 2024

This Is The Light

A L O H A From Honolulu!

 I'm right here right now
and I want now to
be the Golden Age.
If only each generation would
realize that the time for greatness
is right now when they're alive. . .
. . . the time to flower is now.
  Patti Smith

Kamehameha The Great
Unified the Hawaiian Islands in 1810
One of the most striking figures in Hawaiian history, a leader who united and ruled the islands during a time of great cultural change.
United States Park Service Link

There is a light that shines
beyond all things on earth,
beyond the highest,
the very highest heavens.
This is the light that
shines in your heart.

Lei queen smiles
in regal style!
Happiness lingers
around for a while.
Tiara and flowers
But strangely no lei
Laughed to myself
As I walked away.
Cloudia Charters

A cat may look at a queen
only one she's ever seen!

Unity is that
we come together
despite our differences.
Chris Singleton


Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia



Elephant's Child said...

The time to flower is definitely now. For us all.

Cloudia said...

Hooray 🎉

roentare said...

I like the smile of the blue dress lady

Mike said...

"no lei"
Ha! Nice.

Cloudia said...

Right 😉

Tom said...

...always seek the light.

Yvonne Osborne said...

I love that quote by Patti Smith. So true and heartfelt. This is our Golden Age. Right here, right now. Thanks for the reminder.

Jenn Jilks said...

You are right! I thought that myself, no lei!

Kathy G said...

I think everyone should be able to wear a Queen (or King) sash and tiara for a day!

RedPat said...

Love the Patti Smith quote, Cloudia. ;-)

Barbara Rogers said...

And Queen Pixie wouldn't care a hoot about a lei. Wonderful to see the Hawaiian ways to honor leaders...Lei Queen without a lei does make one wonder!

Martha Jane Orlando said...

May we all come to realize how important each moment we have on earth is.
Blessings, Cloudia!

eileeninmd said...

Great quotes and photos.
Pixie looks like a queen!
Take care, enjoy your day!

Teresa said...

Do you think Pixie ate the queen's lei, or maybe she hid it with her stash of catnip....? Cool post. I love your little ditty about the lei queen.

Anvilcloud said...

Kamehameha is well decorated.

Bill said...

The decorated statue of Kamehameha The Great is very impressive.

Lydia C. Lee said...

I love the adorned statue - we were there for his birthday and there was a big picnic in the grounds. It was great! #LittleThings

Christine said...

Enjoyed the photos

magiceye said...

Beautiful photos and interesting captions.

Cloudia said...

Thanks my lovely friends. I appreciate each of you

William Kendall said...

Gorgeous sky in that first shot.

Annie said...

Beautiful photos! They sky is my favorite.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Queen Pixie!

Photo Cache said...

Another lovely photo/quote combo set.

Worth a Thousand Words

Fundy Blue said...

Aloha, Cloudia! Great quotes and pictures as always! What gorgeous flowers on King Kamehameha's statue!

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Lovely pictures again, Claudia. I smiled at the Lei Queen without her Lei ... go figure! Pixie is the Queen ... she doesn't have to look elsewhere to see one. And Unity ... Yes! One of my best Friends and I are polar opposites, especially politically and we are still best friends. We make no effort to sell our views we just operate in a friendly fun way and it works. All of this nonsense of division will be our undoing. So hope you are finding Unity in you life, Claudia ...

Andrea @ From the Sol

Michelle said...

Pixie is the real royalty in this series :) I always enjoy your photos and quotes, as many are so inspiring. Thank you for linking up!