Saturday, September 14, 2024

Cherish Now The Fleeting Scene

A L O H A From Honolulu!

You can't go home again they say,  
For time has washed
the past away.  
Like rivers flowing
ever new,  
The world of then
Is gone from view.  

The river's course
Is never still,  
It bends and turns
At its own will.  
We gather years
Like autumn leaves,  
In memories
Our heart believes.  

Each step we take
A moment's grace,  
In time's embrace
We find our place.  
Though rivers change
And photos fade,  
In dreams, the past
Is gently laid.  

So cherish now
The fleeting scene,  
For in its flow
Life's essence gleams. 
Though you can't go home
again, it's true,  
The river's song
still sings for you.
Cloudia Charters

Whoever walks with the wise 
will become wise, but 
the companion of fools 
suffers harm.


Love You,
Pixie & Cloudia

Happiness and freedom 
begin with one 
Some things are 
within your control 
and some are not.


Anu said...

Hello. A beautiful poem. Lovely post.

Elephant's Child said...

Thank you both so much.

Samyuktha Semi Jayaprakash said...

Excellent poem cloudia!

Shiju Sugunan said...

Beautiful poem! The images are beautiful too.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Cloudia,
I love your poem and the beautiful photos.
Lovely sky captures, Cute lizard, Pixie looks very wise.
Is the stuffed elephant lost? Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

DrumMajor said...

Wonderful words! Hawaii is so friendly, you even found a smiling Republican in the bushes. Jolly good! Linda in Kansas

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Your poem truly spoke to my heart, Cloudia. Beautiful!

Barbara Rogers said...

Ah then there is the deep wisdom of Pixie!

Tom said...

...we saw Teresa Bright in concert years ago.

RedPat said...

Love your poem today, Cloudia. ;-)

s.c said...

Great poems again. Love them.

Ananka said...

Amazing photos. Hope your weekend is going well :-D

DVArtist said...

Cloudia, this is an excellent poem and so true.

Cloudia said...

I like to think that the elephants human companion was nearby. Thank you honey

Cloudia said...

What an amazing treat to come here and read each of your comments! Thank you so much dear friends Aloha!

Kathy G said...

Thank you!

Teresa said...

I love your poem today, Cloudia. Pixie wants us to know that we should walk with her--the wise one--and not with that foolish little lizard.

Kay said...

Your words are so very beautiful, Cloudia. Have a wonderful weekend.

Michelle said...

Wonderful poem!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love that you can use google searches to see where you lived when you were growing up. I don't want to go back and I have lots of good memories of growing up in a small town in the South. Hugs!

William Kendall said...

Pixie looks serene.

Mike said...

Well that's an interesting first picture!


What a beautiful and evocative poem! It captures the fluidity of time and memory with such grace. The imagery of the river and autumn leaves beautifully reflects the journey of life and the way we hold onto moments. Your words really resonate with the idea that even as things change, the past remains with us in our dreams.

Wishing you a lovely weekend. You are invited to read my new blog post: