Thursday, January 16, 2025

Pliable Is Growing

A L O H A  From


Grateful hearts truly love. 
Grateful hands reach out. 
Grateful eyes see generations. 
Grateful minds imagine big ideas 
like justice, peace, and health. 
Our world needs no less 
than grateful living.
Katie Steedly Curling

Nothing we learn 
in this world is 
ever wasted.
Eleanor Roosevelt

See the shadow eater?

Experiencing new things 
is the best way to keep the 
mind young, pliable and growing
— into our 80s, 90s and beyond.
Daniel J. Levitin
Neuroscientist and author 

Small background smile
I pledge to care
To be aware But I promise myself Never to despair. Though shadows may whisper And storms may declare Threats to unsettle To shake, rend, and tear—
Yet I stay in the center My roots planted there.
Cloudia Charters & Pixie


Love You,
Cloudia & Pixie

Rigid is dying.
May we ALL
Loosen Up!


Teresa said...

Love the pic of the dog riding shotgun. Pixie looks like she's getting ready to hitch a ride with them. Love the message of loving, caring, growing, and remaining flexible like bamboo in a typhoon that bends but doesn't break.

Elephant's Child said...

May we all loosen up indeed.

Stefan Jansson said...

The dog looks a bit bored sitting in traffic. It probably wants to go for a run in a park.

Sandi said...

I don't want to loosen up. I want to be strong.

William Kendall said...

The doggie sees you.

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful photos, love the dog and the shadow shot and Pixie.
It is good our mind is always learning, growing and staying young.
Take care, have a great day!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Thank you for the time you devote to this Blog.

God bless.

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

Hi Pixie!

Anvilcloud said...

It's hard not to despair about political things beyond our control. But we try.

Tom said...

...what a pooch.

Barbara Rogers said...

Glad little Pixie is balanced carefully, not to disturb any of the precious things along that surface. I'm in total agreement about all the quotes today!

magiceye said...

Marvelous photos!

RedPat said...

I like that dog pic too, Cloudia. Great words today. ;-)

Martha Jane Orlando said...

We have to be pliable if we are to remain viable. Great thoughts and photos, Cloudia!

s.c said...

Wonderful shot of Pixie.

Anita said...

Wow what apretty flower the last photo💖and the woman behind Pixie💖You always have post to think about👍Thanx for sharing love💖

Rostrose said...

Dear Cloudia, staying in the middle, with your own roots, being grateful, not despairing, instead continuing to learn and experiencing new things is certainly the best way to live a good life!
The shadow eater is fascinating...
All the best from Austria and tender caresses to Pixie, Traude

Kathy G said...

Pixie appears to be wearing a very exotic flower headdress today.

Mike said...

In the first pic, the smaller tall cloud looks like its holding up the bugger cloud.

Bill said...

Nice poem, Cloudia and a great shot of the dog in the passenger sear.