Friday, March 7, 2025

Changes The Present

A L O H A  From
H  O  N  O  L  U  L  U

The sky is an 
infinite movie to me. 
I never get tired 
of looking at 
what's happening 
up there. 
    K. D. Lang

The sun after the rain 
is much more beautiful than
the sun before the rain.
Mehmet Murat ildan

Spathoglottis plicata
Purple Ground Orchid, Philippine Orchid.

Before you call yourself
a Christian,
Buddhist, Muslim, Hindu 
or any other theology,
learn to be human first.
       Shannon L. Alder

No amount of regret 
changes the past.
No amount of anxiety
changes the future.
But any amount of gratitude
changes the present.
Marc & Angel Chernoff


Love You,
Pixie and Cloudia




Jim said...


s.c said...

Wonderful quotes again. Like it.

roentare said...

Emotions does not change the moment.

eileeninmd said...

Beautiful sky, trees and rainbow.
Love the cute dog and Pixie.
Lovely flowers and quotes.
Take care, have a happy day and a great weekend.

CosmicGrant said...

Captures the essence of hawai'i.

Anvilcloud said...

It’s pleasant to see Pixie and read what he has to say today.

Tom said...

...thanks for my palm tree fix.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Those first two photos are wonderful!!

RedPat said...

Great words and pics today, Cloudia. ;-)

Barbara Rogers said...

Some days I get a kick out of how my eyes are slow to see what I'm looking at. The striped shirted woman and the sun/shade stripes immediately gave me the thought "how clever to have the pants coordinate so well with her shirt!"

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

Have a nice weekend!

William Kendall said...

Cute pup.

This Susana person has been mass spamming multiple blogs today.

Barwitzki said...

Full of joy.
All the best to you.
I hope you have a nice weekend.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Pixie looks grateful to be in the moment. Blessings, Cloudia!

Light and Voices said...

Hugs to Pixie and you. Cloudia I always leave blessed with quotes to think about and photos to cherish in my memory bank. Happy Trails!

Teresa said...

Love that last quote with the Pixie pic and the glorious rainbow at the end.

Gemel said...

I spend many hours gazing at the sky.

Kathy G said...

A wonderful set of optimism today.

Jocelyn said...

The sky is certainly always changing.

rupam sarma said...

Stunning skies, Loved the post.

Cloudia said...

Thank you dear friends!

Kay said...

Whenever I have missionaries coming to my door, I always tell them what my grandfather said that it's not the religion but how a person uses it that makes it the best. I truly believe that.
The skies have been really beautiful. Well... today was kind of gray though.

James said...

I like how the large stripes from the shadows contrast with the small stripes on the woman's shirt. ☺️

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Love that photo of the clouds through the palm trees!