Sunday, November 2, 2008


Pauoa Valley
3 guys, oh, and Diamond Head too. A Ted Trimmer photo.

It's ME!

"What experience and history teach is that people and governments have never learned anything from history." - G.W.F. Hegel

"Few people can be happy unless they hate some other person, nation, or creed." - Bertrand Russell

"People who pin their faith to a catchword never feel the necessity of understanding anything," - Agnes Repplier

Aren't YOU tired of slogans, endless "gotcha" politics, and false ideological dichotomies? Public affairs are not a game, but those who've made a good living "gaming" the system won't lead us out of this mess. It is up to ALL OF US to stop arguing about talking-points; there are too many important conversations we need to start having at last.

Listening to anothers' point of view with civility and tolerance doesn't mean that you approve of their viewpoint. In a democracy we are all free to live our values and traditions, and our country is unique and wonderful because of this diversity.

There are more of US than their are of THEM, the "insiders." Let's take back our nation and it's wealth for our kids, for infrastructure repair, and for real defense, not more hand-outs to the fabulously wealthy. Please don't 'trickle down' on me - create a level playing field where we ALL can contribute and compete fairly. Please VOTE!
A L O H A! Cloudia

CEOs, lobbyists, pundits, and millionaires have forgotten what life is really like for


Anonymous said...

What kind of motorcycle is that?

Anonymous said...

Just a matter of hours... I do hope that what you hope for comes to pass. And I deperately hope there is no ensuing disappointment.
I have little faith in politicians it is just that some are better than others.

Anonymous said...

So far today, I have received 2 phone calls from the Obama campaign, urging me to vote. It was nice not to hear a robo-call from McCain.