Saturday, May 11, 2024

Care About Everything - Worry About Nothing

A L O H A From Honolulu!

The best surfer out there
is the one having the most fun
 Duke Paoa Kahanamoku

Yawns are not the only infectious things out there besides germs.
Giggles can spread from person
to person.
So can blushing.
But maybe the most powerful infectious thing is the act of speaking the truth.
Vera Nazarian

Care for all you see around,
Let your heart's concern be bound
To ladybug upon the leaf,
Singing secrets in the breeze.

Resting seeds in soil so deep,
Dream of sunshine
Their secrets keep.
Above in winter
Skies are gray,
But trust those seeds
To find their way.

Let all things show you their delight,
Forget your worries of the night...

...Tiny dogs and soaring kites,
Enchanting winds
and starry nights,
From bustling streets
to hidden streams,
The world's a wonder
full of dreams.

Care for all you see and hear,
A robin's song, a child's cheer.
Let worries fade
as morning mist,
Embrace the joy
open up your fist.
    Cloudia Charters

To open hearts
the world unfolds,
Her happy tales
a wealth untold.

𐬞 𐬟 𐬞 𐬟 𐬞 𐬟 𐬞 𐬟

We Love YOU!
Pixie & Cloudia

Sesbania tomentosa Fabaceae Endemic to the Hawaiian Islands
ʻOhai were one of the favored
lei flowers by early Hawaiians.


Fun60 said...

You always find such wise words to share.

roentare said...

The flower looks like an abstract art

Elephant's Child said...

Thank you and Pixie.

Andrew said...

Sunrise or sunset, its a stunning scene.

Cloudia said...

Jolly Friends! Thanks ❤️🌷

Mike said...

I pick "Worry About Nothing".

s.c said...

Good start of the day again. Thanks for the comfort.

Tom said...

...what, me worry?

eileeninmd said...

Gorgeous photos and wise words Cloudia!
Cute capture of the gecko and Pixie.
Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

Anvilcloud said...

Unfortunately, conspiracy theories are pretty infectious.

RedPat said...

Pass the giggles around and don't worry. Great message, Cloudia. ;-)

William Kendall said...

Magnificent sky in that first shot.

LoveT. said...

Wonderful post! i love the first quote <3

GreenComotion said...

Very delightful post and very touching words -
"Care for all you see and hear,
A robin's song, a child's cheer.
Let worries fade
as morning mist,
Embrace the joy
open up your fist. C C"

Love and Light!

Teresa said...

I love your poem "Care About Everything, Worry about Nothing" and Pixie's little poem today. The gecko is adorable.

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Teresa above said everything I was going to, Cloudia. Caring for the smallest things can bring such joy!

Cloudia said...

You said it Anvilcloud!

Each of your comments gives me such a wonderful feeling of connection. I appreciate each one of you and linger over your comments before setting to work until tomorrow's post. Wishing each of you a brilliant, brilliant weekend

Katerinas Blog said...

Very beautiful words and images from faraway Honolulu!
You always put a smile on our faces.
Be well and have a beautiful week!

Shiju Sugunan said...

Love the contagious yawn photo. The sky and gecko pics are also among my favorites.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Your lovely quotes and poems are just what I need on this Monday! Enjoy your week my friend. hugs to you and Pixie!

Arun Goyal said...

It is lovely to start day with your words of wisdom, Sesbania blooms are beautiful. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.