Sunday, November 21, 2021

Walk With A Queen

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Appreciate the Moon's
beautiful mind.
Evelyn L. Eubanks

Sky Salute

The moon does not shine
solely from the sky.
Alyssa Moon

King Solomon enrolled
in the School of Ants.
He learned great wisdom
there about life
through their

 Proverbs 6:6-8

Washington Place was the home of Hawaii's last (for now) Queen, Liliuokalani. Her piano upon which she composed opera, as well as World Cultural Treasure song: Aloha `Oe is still in the parlour. I have attended an event on the premises and stood near her piano. Hawaii's State Capitol is across Beteretania St.
And behind the Capitol Stands a statue of the Queen,
still overseeing the affairs of Hawaii.
Some say she walks the halls of the capitol.
Behind her statue, Iolani Palace,
one time residence of Sovereign royals.

A fierce defender of the Kingdom and her people,
she traveled to Washington DC
to plead for restoration of her stolen throne.
She decried violence and wished
no bloodshed. Was imprisoned in the Palace for her pains for a time.

Before she passed in 1917, she flew the US Flag in support of Hawaiians serving in the
US military during WWI.

A man I knew in the 1980's told me of walking home from school and seeing the Queen working in her garden and smoking tiny cigars. "She was always kind to us kids." He was in his 90's. I also have known
those whose relatives were members of
her court.

A great Lady.

Pixie is as you know an easy going gal.
But she also wants you to know that
she is a fierce defender of the 
Hawaiian People, their Kingdom of the
heart, and the Culture of Aloha
they stand for!

Washington Place
is now the residence
of Hawaii's Governor-
Iolani Palace is a Museum
and powerful Shrine.

Aloha To You,
Pixie & Cloudia


Elephant's Child said...

The Queen sounds like a very great lady - which we know Pixie is.

William Kendall said...

Pixie looks quite formidable today.

Mike said...

How soon will King Quentin try to restore the monarchy?

Teresa said...

Cool post beginning with the moon and the sky salute and passing through the ant school in the flower, visiting the Queen, and winding up with Pixie in full-on body guard mode. You made me smile. Thanks!

Gemel said...

Pixie looks mighty fierce =^..^=

Jenn Jilks said...

What a lovely tribute! It is important to know history.

RedPat said...

Pixie looks quite protective today!

Cloudia said...

Your visits and comments are treasured!

21 Wits said...

What a great photo of Pixie towards the end of the post. Washington Place looks like another house in Charleston I had to take a double take. Great wise quotes, your opening especially. Enjoy your week Aloha Cloudia and Pixie.