Sunday, December 28, 2008

Gilding the Pill

Feeding the 5,000
M. Duke (left)
Kitty Look Out! A Giant Mouse!

OOOO A Rainbow!

Bye Santa-

"For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once daily. People even more than things have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and redeemed. Never throw out anybody. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion she shows, and the beauty of a woman with passing years only grows."
- Audrey Hepburn's 'Beauty Secrets'

"The river looked at Siddhartha with a thousand eyes. . . it seemed to him that whoever understood this river and it's secrets, would understand much more, many secrets, all secrets." - Herman Hesse

"It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all - in which case you lose by default." - J. K. Rowling

"Life is a pill which none of us can bear to swallow without gilding; yet for the poor we delight in stripping it still barer."
Dr. Johnson

Street outreach worker, Sharon Black, has fed the hungry people of Honolulu's streets for many years. Her Kau Kau ('food') Wagon provides meals every Saturday at a little park we used to call the "Gateway to Chinatown." Yesterday was her annual Christmas meal for all that would come. Out of her "little" Mz. Black has provided this bounty (top picture) by appealing to restaurants, hotels, and kind individuals throughout our community. Even with my own background as a street outreach worker in these same streets, I had never met the lady face to face . . . till yesterday. I brought my flute to play, saw many familiar faces to wish "happy holidays" to, and ended up holding the leash for one of Sharon's giant Great Danes (a licensed therapy dog - picture above). All the ladies were given bouquets of flowers, and though I didn't eat I was happy to walk away with my own bounty of flowery loveliness. . . Sharon's friend was telling me how much admiration she has for the lady, but feeling honest I reminded her that helping others is addictive, a compulsion. We smiled together at that and wished those waiting in line a Happy New Year . . .
A L O H A! Cloudia


Anonymous said...

True That

Reader Wil said...

Great post! I like those sayings especially the quotes by Audrey Hepburn. She was quite a lady!

Maria Verivaki said...

i like the idea behind outreach programs - everyone should volunteer to be a part of it at least once in their life

Roan said...

Loved the quotes. Bye Santa...cute!

the walking man said...

Goodness is the seed, fertilizer, and food that grows from generous action.

Akelamalu said...

What a wonderful thing to do - she must be a truly beautiful soul!

There's a little something for you over at mine m'deario. x

RiverPoet said...

I love all of the quotes, particularly the one from Audrey Hepburn. And Ms. Black's addiction is one we should all be so lucky to have. Love is all you need....

Peace - D

Anonymous said...

Hi Cloudia,

Glad you played your flute at that "party." I would love to hear you play, too, someday.

I studied the flute at UH back in 1977. I never mastered it, sad to say, so I give you lots of credit. Keep up the good work!

Junosmom said...

Hi, Cloudia. I'll link this to MTM. My family asks how you came to live on a boat and what that's like. Lauren wants to know how you get internet.

Charles Gramlich said...

People like Sharon Black are a gift to the world. I wish had the strength to do something like that

Cloudia said...

Reader Wil: AND she was born in the Netherlands!

Jenn Jilks said...

Lovely photos! Wish I was there.
We are snowed in, but back on the grid!
We anticipate delivering Meals on Wheels tomorrow, our regularly scheduled day. There are some marvellous people who have coordinated such programs over the years. It really helps the disabled and seniors who cannot manage their ADLs.

Barbara Martin said...

Love the Great Dane photo...nice brindle markings.

Cloudia said...

M. Kiwi_ Love your idea. I learned more on the streets than in college!

Betty Roan: Cute, ya? Love your blog too.

Walking Man- Well Said!

Ake- For me? Aw shucks!

Riverpoet: It seems that love IS all you really need; the source of every good thing.

Gigi- Keep up your good work! You should pick up your old flute. . .

Junosmom- You got me off my duff! I WILL do a "living aboard" post. Internet comes aboard on a long black wire that brings telephone too. water, electric, cable TV, all the conveniences!

Charles- I believe that you spread good will in other ways. Thanks for encouraging me (for one).

Jennifer J- Meals on Wheels ROCKS. That's so cool of you!

Barbara M- You have a great eye for animal flesh and nature. That's a handsome animal you use as your profile image, gal!

Fida said...

That cat-mouse pictures is something!
Great post – there are never enough people helping others!