Where You Like GO?
Look! My old number, Puka 9
- from my immigrant days
driving taxi here in Honolulu.
[ The book cover to the right there
is a link to my autobiographical
novel about discovering Hawaii
and myself ]
Let's RIDE around a little,
click on photo to see human driver
" If everything on earth
were rational,
would ever happen. "
Driving into Manoa Valley, Valley of Rainbows
"Walk neither faster
nor slower
than your own soul.
Because it is your soul
that will teach you
the usefulness
of each step
you take."
Paulo Coelho
Aloha means:
"WE share the Breath of Life!"
So let's share with no expectation
" Faithfulness
and sincerity
are the highest things. "
I used to be
very sensitive to
exclusion by others,
I' m more focused
on including everyone
in my Aloha
Makiki Christian Church 1931
"Whoever does not
love his work
cannot hope that
it will please others."
Up in the hills, back in the valleys,
down to the beach:
I chased calls all over the island in my cab.
Sure, I'll take your surf board.
" Never look down
on anybody
unless you are
helping them up "
Jesse Jackson
12 hour shift just about PAU
Time to head back to the yard.
This was day tour.
Driving at night
was memorable
and educational.
[The book is largely nocturnal.]
Thank YOU
For Riding Along
Please Stay Come Again!
Your Driver: Cloudia