Your responsibilities require some "irresponsibility" in the mix. So take a walk with no destination or chore. Follow your caprice. Then whimsy might just find you around that next corner, behind that next tree, in the eyes of an animal, or the unseen rooting section behind the clouds.

Waikiki has always been regarded as a place of magical healing. Three little streams are born of clean trade wind showers high up in the Ko`olau Mountains. They flow joyously down through the valleys of Palolo and Manoa before they reach the sea here at the beach. This mixing of waters: brackish, fresh & salt, makes a potent energetic brew. Then clean, tangy air, tumbling surf & good light join in the dance. This meeting place of sea & land, this broad blending of peoples and traditions, creates a unique micro-climate of Aloha . . . Shall we stroll along a little?
"Every aspect of ourselves is a gift. Every emotion and every trait we possess helps show us the way to enlightenment, to oneness. We all have a shadow that is part of our total reality. Our shadow is here to point out where we are incomplete. It is here to teach us love, compassion and forgiveness, not just for others but also for ourselves. And when the shadow is embraced, it can heal us. . . we have buried our power, our competence, and our authenticity. . . when we bring them to the light of our consciousness and find their sacred gifts, they transform us. Then we are free." Debbie Ford, The Dark Side of the Light Chasers
A L O H A ! Cloudia