I realize that humor
isn't for everyone.
It's only for people
who want to have fun,
enjoy life, and feel alive.
Anne Wilson Schaef
Those who love deeply
never grow old;
they may die of old age,
but they die young.
Benjamin Franklin
Waikiki By Night
There was a sky somewhere
above the tops of the buildings,
with stars and a moon and
all the things there are in a sky,
but they were content to think
of the distant street lights
as planets and stars. If the lights
prevented you from seeing the heavens,
then perform a little magic and change
reality to fit the need. The street lights
were now planets and stars and moon.
Hubert Selby Jr.
There are truths
which one can see
only when it’s dark
Isaac Bashevis Singer
Linking To:
Love You,
Drink Coaster