Monday, September 26, 2011

Is Your Home Healing or Hurting You?

A L O H A !

" Society is like a stew. 
If you don't stir it up every once in a while
then a layer of scum
floats to the top. "

 Edward Abbey

" All my life through, 
the new sights of Nature
made me rejoice like a child. "

Marie Curie

" Health is the thing 
that makes you feel
that now
is the best time of the year. "

Franklin P. Adams

" To get rich never risk your health.
For it is the truth
that health is the wealth
of wealth.

Richard Baker

" Health is the greatest gift,
contentment the greatest wealth,
faithfulness the best relationship. 


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On my morning walk,
a few days after moving ashore
(after 20 years on our boat)
I noticed something interesting:
Where did my morning stiffness go?

I always suspected that living on the water
wasn't really healthy,
the confinement alone
is akin to enforced bed rest.
You sit in one spot,
and move (at best)
a few feet away-
and back.

My (blog invisible) husband
experienced the same thing!
Where did morning's aches GO?

I'm remembering what it's like
to have a kitchen,
flush bathroom,
a real bed - not a 'bunk'
room to breathe!

So it got me thinking:
When is a home
bad for your health?

Is there radon, or pollution?

Are the neighbors - or extreme weather

What about the local economy?

Are you financially over-extended
to pay for it?

Or is it SO modest
that you feel jailed
and held back?

(Formerly  Boat) Kitty
is begging for less treats.

I've noticed a slackening
in some of my own cravings too.

I feel upbeat,
healthy and young here.

Is YOUR home healing
or hurting
Y O U?

Makes you wonder.