A L O H A !
Nicasio, Marin CA
"If you have
kindness in your heart...
Kindness becomes a
way of life."
Roy T. Bennett
Stafford Lake - Marin CA Hills
“Nothing is more memorable
than a smell. One scent
can be unexpected,
momentary and fleeting,
yet conjure up a childhood
summer beside a lake
in the mountains...”
Diane Ackerman
Wild Turkey Walking Down the Road
“The Road goes ever
on and on
Down from the door
where it began.
Now far ahead
the Road has gone,
And I must follow, if I can,
And whither then?
I cannot say”
J.R.R. Tolkien
Thank You
for Breathing the
Mountain Air of
Marin County
with us today!
Fondly, cloudia
Mt. Burdell / Olompali