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Is the sky a reflected sea . . . or the sea a reflected sky?

"When you have only two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other."
- Chinese Proverbs
- Chinese Proverbs

Good Boy!

Small fry grow bigger every day!
Is there anything as lovely as a lighted pleasure boat passing slowly off shore after a good dinner among friends? There are so many magical tricks that rascal light can play; mesmerizing us at noon with sheer audacious dazzle; Teasing sparkles accent saturated tropical colours. Sharp detail in leaf & shadow lures us into the world outside (out of the "world" inside). . . or is it the caress of cool trade winds that systematically deranges petty logic and worry? A forgotten bliss, blessed by serendipity, reveals & revels in an Ecstasy of pure/mere being. . . Begin again the ceremonies of refreshment. . . We're spiralling directly into that pot of jam. Selah! A L O H A! Cloudia