Ala Moana Beach Park, Honolulu
" Difficult times
have helped me to understand
better than before,
how infinitely rich and beautiful
life is in every way,
life is in every way,
and that so many things
that one goes worrying about
are of no importance
are of no importance
whatsoever. "
Isak Dinesen
“He that cannot forgive others,
breaks the bridge
over which he himself must pass
if he would ever reach heaven;
for everyone
has need to be forgiven”
George Herbert
“Let every man praise the bridge
that carries him over”
English Proverb
"The grave is but a covered bridge
Leading from light to light,
through a brief darkness!”
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
“ The hardest thing in life
is to know which bridge to cross
and which to burn. ”
David Russell
" The youth gets together his materials
to build a bridge to the moon,
or, perchance, a palace
or temple on the earth,
and, at length,
the middle-aged man concludes
to build a woodshed with them. "
Henry David Thoreau
" The biggest emotion
in creation
is the bridge to optimism. "
Brian May
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So much in our lives
could be viewed as a
transition from one thing
to another.
We go from mother's milk
to solid food.
We transition from home
to school.
We always seem to be
on our way somewhere
Perhaps that's why we love bridges.
They re cathedrals
of going
from one place
to another.
They represent delivery
and freedom;
" The river is wide
and I just can't get
Moon Bridges were built
as places of contemplation,
both OF their lovely shapes,
and as places
of View.
This one was built during the
days of the Depression
as a WPA project
to provide meaningful work
and beauty to Honolulu-
kinda what President Obama
wants to do now
with his jobs bill.
Let's enjoy
a contemplative moment
on our rush from Here
to There.
Glad YOU could stand here
with me for a few moments.
Thank You.
Here's a spray can-
please leave YOUR graffiti
on the 'Comments Wall.'
Warmly, cloudia
George Washington Bridge
by Daryl