click on the pics if you wish!
"Seek out that particular mental attribute
which makes you feel most deeply and vitally alive,
along with which comes the inner voice which says,
‘This is the real me,’ and when you have found that attitude,
follow it."
~William James
Yikes! I LIVE in that water!
“I have never seen a greater monster
or miracle
in the world than myself.”
Michel de Montaigne
My words are spare
spun of air
been spinning so long
to survive and expose wrong
yes my soul knows her biz
and this it is:
to advance heaven's kingdom
as an inside job
just like any other slob
like you & me
and the girl in the tree-
in 100 years
the battles your fought won't matter much
but that you fought them,
winning your peace
will count in the end
til all else cease.
Aloha, cloudia