ALOHA, Sunday Friend!
click on photos if you like, eh?
known for shipping, industry, and marinas.
"Creation, we are taught is not an act that happened once upon a time,
once and for ever. The act of bringing the world into existence is a continuous process.”
Abraham Joshua Heschel
once and for ever. The act of bringing the world into existence is a continuous process.”
Abraham Joshua Heschel
It is like making a trip back to the tiki bars of the 50's.
While we ate, my friend told me about a time
when he was wandering about on the Big Island, Hawaii.
He came upon a cave full of very old Tikis.
What were they doing there,
these family heirlooms passed down
over generations?
The missionaries
told the people to
these "infernal, pagan images."
the extra-terrestrials landing among us.
Their technology is clearly far ahead of ours.
They tell us that our beliefs are primitive;
Then they tell us to burn
our churches, synagogues, mosques & temples.
Unable to part with the spiritual treasures
that our parents and grandparents valued,
we might bury the Torahs, Bibles, statues, & symbols.
And that's what happened
to the Hawaiian people.
Sleep well, gods!
ALOHA Friend, cloudia