What a difference a day makes
I made a new friend today.
I made a new friend today.
" Nothing but heaven itself
is better
than a friend
who is really a friend."
is better
than a friend
who is really a friend."
Break Time for the Tree Trimmers
" Old friends pass away,
new friends appear.
It is just like the days.
An old day passes,
a new day arrives.
The important thing
is to make it meaningful:
a meaningful friend -
or a meaningful day. "
Dalai Lama
" A true friend
is someone who lets you
have total freedom
to be yourself -
and especially to feel.
Or, not feel.
Whatever you happen
to be feeling
at the moment
is fine with them.
That's what real love
amounts to -
letting a person
what she really
is. "
Jim Morrison
Football with Dad at the foot of Diamond Head.
Honolulu Zoo Entrance
" Outside of a dog,
a book is a man's best friend.
Inside of a dog
it's too dark to read. "
Groucho Marx
" Silence
is a true friend
who never betrays. "
my blog friends
are true friends.
I wish YOU
new discoveries
new delights
Fondly, cloudia