A L O H A !
"I like life. It's something to do."
Ronnie Shakes
" Appreciation is a wonderful thing:
It makes what is excellent in others
belong to us as well. "
" Prejudices
are what fools use
for reason. "
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How busy we are getting it "Done"
rushing to "Correct."
We seldom even notice
what life is brightly showing
right before our eyes.
Others do not hear
what we tell them;
They are on to the
Next Thing.
Just like we are.
How often do we miss
fresh breezes
of a new "Aha?"
We seek an image
native only to our minds,
blind to ripe real
treasures all around.
Friend my friend
allow a Sacred Space.
Permit holy delay;
Wait for an Angel to pass.
Nature always fills a vacuum.
So learn to leave a space.
Mine is right between my ears :-)
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Warmly, cloudia