A L O H A From Honolulu!
My bursting heart
must find vent
at my pen.
Abigail Adams
[Click Photo to Enlarge]
The "Rain Bird" Called "Kolea" here in Hawaii Link
The Pacific golden plover
is a migratory shorebird
that breeds during Alaska
and Siberia summers.
During nonbreeding season,
this medium-sized plover
migrates widely
across the Pacific.
The genus name is derived
from pluvia, Latin for “rain.”
It was once believed that
golden-plovers flocked
when rain was imminent.
A kind heart is a
fountain of gladness,
making everything
in its vicinity
freshen into smiles.
Washington Irving
Breadfruit Leaf Holding
The world is full of
abundance and opportunity,
but far too many people
come to the fountain of life
with a sieve instead of
a tank car...
a teaspoon instead
of a steam shovel.
They expect little
and as a result
they get little.
Ben Sweetland
Keep your head high,
keep your chin up,
and most importantly,
keep smiling, because
life's a beautiful thing
and there's so much
to smile about.
Marilyn Monroe