A L O H A !
"I live near San Francisco
in the most beautiful spot
on earth and enjoy myself in
many ways. . .
Yes, I love to work,
which for now is to think
and read and write, so
it's all a dream come true."
Francis Ford Coppola
"The mission of photography
is to explain man to man
and each to himself.
And that is the most
complicated thing on earth."
Edward Steichen
"When anxious, uneasy
and bad thoughts come,
I go to the sea, and the
sea drowns them out
with its great wide sounds,
cleanses me with its noise,
and imposes a rhythm
upon everything in me that
is bewildered and confused."
Rainer Maria Rilke
"An attitude of
positive expectation
is the mark of the
superior personality."
Brian Trac
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Thank YOU
Fondly, cloudia