(Close-up courtesy of Cloudia-Razzi)
All the buzz is about how really good
the episodes are screening-out.
Everyone included in the production
(and that includes every Honolulu resident :)
is very excited!
CBS, Monday Evenings, Launching in September.
Look for me, eh?
We'll never enjoy Peace, Poise & Well-Being
As long as we postpone it
as something to be enjoyed in the future-
After graduation,
After the work week,
After this just One More Thing,
After retirement. . .
As Elvis sang: "It's now or never."
"Be here now." Answers Ram Dass.
Because Now is all there is.
And if you Are
Peace, Poise &
Well Met
then the future loses it's sting.
All fall's into place as it enters the present,
Our Home Field!
Aloha, cloudia
As long as we postpone it
as something to be enjoyed in the future-
After graduation,
After the work week,
After this just One More Thing,
After retirement. . .
As Elvis sang: "It's now or never."
"Be here now." Answers Ram Dass.
Because Now is all there is.
And if you Are
Peace, Poise &
Well Met
then the future loses it's sting.
All fall's into place as it enters the present,
Our Home Field!
Aloha, cloudia