Thursday, May 26, 2022

Subtly Powerful

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Be water. Flowing, flexible
and soft. Subtly powerful
and open. Wild and serene.
Able to accept all changes,
yet still led by the pull of
steady tides. It is enough.
Victoria Erickson

See The Secret Door?

Don't waste a minute
not being happy. If
one window closes, run to the next window,
or break down a door. Brooke Shields

Great leaders are almost always
great simplifiers, who can cut
through argument, debate
and doubt, to offer a solution
everybody can understand. Colin Powell

Breadfruit expresses
Female & Male
on the same stem.
Male flower left,
Female (the familiar food)
on the right.

"Breadfruits are self-fertile.
You will get fruit with only one plant.
However, adding an additional Breadfruit
will drastically increase the size of your crop."

The More The Merrier!

Pixie is a pleasure
and a pest.
A full relationship
on four paws!

We Adore
Pixie & Cloudia