I'm a history buff,
and right now we're
sitting on one of
the most dramatic
historical shifts that
this planet has ever
seen and we have a
front row seat for it.
James Daly
Owning or firing a gun
is almost impossible
in Japan, requiring
many, many regulations.
So this is an attraction
to visitors from Japan.
I'm still growing
I take each day,
one day-at-a-time.
I'm always thinking
and dreaming. As
long as this heart
keeps beating, there
will be new things
coming along.
Roy Haynes
The old hunters ask:
How do you eat
an elephant?
One bite at a time.
Now we understand
why "May you
live in interesting
times." is not a
blessing but a curse.
But it sure
You Hang In There.
Things have a way
of working out
for those who
remain calm.
Pixie & cloudia
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