Sky? Lake? Which is which?
Lovely just to wonder.
There are gifts everywhere
for those hearts
that find,
and especially those
who Share them!
Light Up the Hill, Evening Sun of February
" That hurt we
becomes joy.
Call it to your arms
where it can
change. "
Cat Who Patrols Parking Area "B"
" Flow with
whatever is happening
and let your
mind be free.
Stay centered
by accepting
you are doing.
This is called
The Ultimate. "
Chuang Tzu
When the shimmer of
an insects wing
in flight
fills you with delight,
your ear attentive
to the shooshing
and wooshing of
leaves in the breeze;
The grass chorus joining
in fluent Grass-ese,
How then to endure
Shakespeare's 'Idiot's Tale'
all sound and fury in
service to?
Exactly my point.
It takes more than
Special Effects
to win hearts.
Art needs resonance,
Story an arc (or two),
unobtrusive media-
Good writing,
is one example.
Like great actors
it disappears
in the ' character '
not drawing attention
to Itself.
Some themes endure
through history,
in every Culture-
If you can recognize some
of these Archetypes,
or better, know their
truth in your life,
then perhaps
you are a story teller
who can enthrall
on a street corner
at Dusk, or
Who writes
a World
that this world
clamors to enter.
Then Ink & Film
and shared imagination
of a generation
will wrap you in
ermine, awards
determined Reward$
Legendary Creative
Statu$ !
Blogger PLEASE!
Wake Up
from your dream.
Just find the right Quote,
a picture of a boat,
a sunset (again!?)
a four legged friend -
And put something
UP for tomorrow
in this