"Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together will go to the making of a genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius." - Mozart
"My religion is kindness." The Dalai Lama (Get well!)
Motivation is key. If you give to get - your motivation is selfish. If you give out of fear - that motivation too will taint even your giving. Once you really enjoy loving and doing for others you will receive treasure and security that the selfish cannot fathom. Once we begin to emerge from our "lower" type of interactions with others and begin to understand the true value of warmth, respect, and compassion for them and for OURSELVES, we may be surprised by the impatience, anger, and simple everyday rudeness of people. Haven't they heard? Isn't the utility and joy of love obvious to them? No. Not yet. Try to remember (without going there) how YOU used to feel about and treat others. While most people will respond automatically to sincere ALOHA energy (even without words) those that choose else-wise deserve to be respected and 'let be.' We are not the corrector of others. We can only love them. The treasure concealed in these very situations is that they provide us with a gracious opportunity to transmute unpleasantness into a deeper acceptance - even the unpleasantness that we have spread ourselves in the past.
A L O H A ! Cloudia