Saturday, October 7, 2023

The Compassion Cure

A L O H A From Honolulu!

Compassion will cure
more sins than
Henry Ward Beecher

Welcome the uninvited
to receive it's gift.  

Yellow yellow lucky fellow! 
Everybody is nicer to me
when I'm in yellow

Grace is the face 
that love wears when 
it meets imperfection.
         Joseph R. Cooke 

Nobody will stop you from creating. Do it tonight. Do it tomorrow. That is the way to make your soul grow.
Kurt Vonnegut
ᳩ ᳪ ᳫ ᳬ ᳯ ᳰ ᳱ ᳩ

In dreams, I wander
beneath your boughs, Cassia Rainbow Shower Tree, Where sunlight dances
through your leaves, And flowers cascade
a gentle sough.
Your roots run deep, your spirit strong, A testament to where you belong. In your embrace I find my peace, And all my worldly worries cease.