A L O H A !
"We dance around in a ring and suppose
But the secret sits in the middle and knows."
Robert Frost
"One need not demand respect
if one commands it."
Claudia Roth Pierpont,
(Said of Duke Ellington)
in mind's eye.
"The trees are God's great alphabet:
With them He writes in shining green
Across the world His thoughts serene."
Leonora Speyer
“The way is not in the sky.
The way is in the heart.”
So much of what we worry about
is pointless.
We fight against something
because of our idea of what it will bring
and then find that it is
or even pleasant.
So much that we deplore
passes (ultimately) unnoticed.
I think ALL worry
(not to be confused with foresight)
is worse than a waste
of our irreplaceable moments,
"Later is just a thought."
Says Marianne Williamson.
So when do we have permission to stop worrying?
Well here it is:
Take the weekend off from worry!
Don't feel guilty-
You HAVE permission!
warmly, cloudia