Thursday, June 23, 2011

Let's FLY

A  L  O  H  A !

Thanks for swinging by today.  
                                     You're just in time for our flight -
Looks like a nice day to fly somewhere

" Music fathoms the sky. "

Charles Baudelaire

What is going on up there?  Shall we find out?

" My witness is the empty sky. "

          Jack Kerouac

Always exciting just before a flight!

 " Excuse me while I kiss the sky. "

                                Jimi Hendrix

Good Bye Honolulu!

" One of my great joys in life is being a pilot.
There is a great sense of freedom 
in soaring through the sky.
You get a different perspective up there. 
Seeing things that aren't so apparent from the ground. "

Sonny Perdue 


Now On To Our Destination:

If you have time, check out the inter-island flight video
and spend some time on the rural Big Island:

If you'd like to see more of Hilo
from the air, you'll enjoy the take-off below.
I recommend you mute your speakers.