A L O H A!
Thanks For Visiting Virtual Waikiki
My Castle
" A man's home may seem to be his castle
on the outside;
inside is more often his nursery. "
Clare Boothe Luce
My Rainbow (on the right)
" Be thou the rainbow in the storms of life.
The evening beam that smiles the clouds away,
and tints tomorrow with prophetic ray. "
Lord Byron
My Blog
" It is a sign that your reputation is small
and sinking
if your own tongue must praise you. "
Matthew Hale
< ° ) } } > <
Swimming Backwards
BLOGGER is still publishing my posts (thanks!)
is not updating
in links & readers.
Is this an excuse for a looser,
Summer attitude
to blogging?
Or should I spend hours
trying to contact BLOGGER
Well, at least I can still visit
( ! )
There ARE other blogging platforms,
but I'm such a GOOGLE Fan-
The fact that I am thinking of migrating
speaks volumes.
Get it together GOOGLE!
Thank YOU for visiting! cloudia
" Everyone has his day,
and some days
last longer than others. "
Winston Churchill