A L O H A from Honolulu!
" I often think
that the night
is more alive
and more
richly colored
than the day. "
Vincent van Gogh
" On all who are out tonight,
the homeless, the weary,
the starving, those tempted
to suicide, the intemperate,
have mercy. -
" To those who are out
to rescue others,
grant help and protection.
For those who work at night,
the police, railwaymen, firemen,
those engaged on the stage,
soldiers and sailors, sentries on duty,
editors and journalists,
let Your Presence be with them,
"For the sick, and suffering
and all who are enduring
any agony of mind and body,
comfort them,
For all undergoing surgery,
strengthen them,
For the sleepless and lonely,
be near them.
For those in anxiety, nervous
or mental distress, calm them.
For the mentally ill, keep them
under Your protection.
For those who care
for the mentally ill,
make them tender-hearted
and compassionate.
For night nurses,
give faithfulness
and sympathy.
For priests and doctors,
called out this night,
reward them. "
Night Litany For Our City
"The Philadelphia Carmel was the birthplace of devotion
to St. Therese, the “Little Flower,” in the United States! "
" The darkest night is
often the bridge
to the brightest
tomorrow. "
Jonathan L. Huie
I have always loved
The Night,
spent years of my life
working there,
and inhabiting
her bright darkness.
My little novel
"Aloha Where You Like Go?"
Largely takes place
in Hawaii's nights.
This Night Litany
has long spoken to me
richly about the
world & people
of the night,
I hope it makes YOU
feel some of
the Wonder
I have enjoyed;
To reflect
on the strangers
of EVERY belief
who are ceaselessly
standing by, or
praying for the world,
for each and all
of Us.
Those who are vigilant
in firehouse, ward,
the watch tower;
Those who keep
our power on
and ambulances
at the ready.
Thank You
for riding along
Warmly, cloudia